
Saving 51% water and 44% CIP time while simultaneously improving cleaning

Industry: Dairy
Country: Indonesia
Application: Tank cleaning

The Lechler Indonesia team implemented a CIP optimization project for a major manufacturer of dairy products. The goal was to improve the CIP time and flow rate. In addition, residual soiling in the milk and the yoghurt processing lines should be eliminated with a particular focus on the lower sections of the tank and at the agitator. To optimize the CIP process, Lechler XactClean HP nozzles were used instead of the previously used static spray balls.


  • Reduce CIP time
  • Reduce water consumption
  • Avoidance of soiling
    • at the tank bottom
    • at the agitator


  • Consideration of the impact on the auxiliary equipment and the balancing system of the CIP when reducing the flow rate and CIP time of the dairy lines
  • Difficulties to clean the lower part of the agitator in the yoghurt line due to spray shadows


  • Simulation with Lechler TankClean software to optimize the CIP parameters
  • Replacement of static spray balls by Lechler rotating cleaning nozzles XactClean HP, series 5S3


  • Less water required for cleaning and significantly improved CIP performance
  • Problematic lower section of the tank and agitator are now perfectly cleaned
  • Reduced CIP time increases the overall production capacity of the plant
  • Conclusion of the optimization: Sustainability and greater efficiency are not contradictory.

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