Evaporative and chlorine-bypass cooler

Precise cooling and conditioning of flue gases

Hot exhaust gases can damage fabric and electric filters or at least reduce the service life. Resulting costs and maintenance downtimes can be prevented by a reliable and controlled cooling of the exhaust gases in the gas cooling tower and chlorine bypass cooler. The simultaneous reduction of the operating volume of exhaust gases has a positive effect on the investment and operating costs of the downstream plant components. In addition, the separation efficiency of electrical and fabric filters is improved.

Evaporative and chlorine-bypass cooler

Our solution

For safe cooler operation and short evaporation distances, homogeneous and swirlfree gas distribution over the entire duct crosssection is required. Using fixtures such as perforated plates or flow straighteners in the gas inlet, the gas distribution can be optimized in a targeted manner. We gladly support you in the design of these fixtures with detailed CFD simulations so as to ensure an optimal and holistic solution.

The outlet temperature and the required distance for the evaporation of the water are controlled via the amount of water injected and the droplet size. Complete evaporation is essential to prevent material buildup and damp material in the discharge and to ensure reliability of operation and plant availability.

In order to obtain an optimal and comprehensive design of the cooler and of the associated injection system, a large number of interacting variables and different operating conditions therefore need to be taken into account. Thanks to our many years of experience, we are able to assist you in calculating the amount of water and dimensioning the evaporation distance.

For implementation, we offer both twinfluid or spillback systems. We configure your system in line with the process data and the cooler size, thus giving you an optimum solution.

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Nozzle lances and systems for gas cooling

Efficient cooling and conditioning

Lechler nozzle lances and systems to generate the optimum droplet size range and distribute it as uniformly as possible in the gas flow.

Learn more


Lechler Air Quality Control Systems (AQCS)Phone +49 (0)7123 962 0Fax +49 (0)7123 962 301env(at)lechler.de

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