New website of Lechler launched

Since April 12, Lechler presents itself with a new website. The relaunch focused on optimizing the content and user guidance on the pages.

New Lechler website launched

Since April 12, Lechler GmbH presents itself with a new website.

In the project of several months of the Internet team in cooperation with the specialist departments, great importance was attached to being able to offer our visitors and customers the best possible range of information. In addition to new and optimized content, the focus was also placed on good user guidance, which is reflected in the new structure of the site and clear navigation.

A brief summary of the objectives of the new website:

  •     An improved search (accessible via the magnifying glass next to the navigation point or in the navigation itself)
  •     New and optimized content, prepared for the web
  •     User-friendly structure and navigation
  •     Responsive design: appearance is adapted to the different screen sizes, especially on mobile devices.

We wish you a lot of fun with the new Lechler website!

We would also be pleased to receive your feedback via our contact form.

