Industrial cleaning technology

Permanently cost-effective cleanliness

Whether cycle cleaning of aluminium engine blocks, efficient fresh water rinsing in belt dishwashers or robot-assisted high-pressure water jet deburring of workpieces – there is a suitable solution from Lechler for every conceivable cleaning application.

Their high quality, easy installation and long service life significantly reduces maintenance costs of existing systems. Talk to us and let us convince you of the efficiency gains when using Lechler nozzles.

Industrielle Reinigungstechnik


Lechler Spray Technology Sdn. Bhd., MalaysiaPhone +603 6142 1288 (General Line)Fax +603 6156 1153info(at)


Product treatment

Product treatment

Disinfection and hygiene

Disinfection and hygiene

Filling and packing

Filling and packing

Product provision

Product provision