Lechler Technical Planning Guide for an optimum spray pattern

Perfect for a reliable planning of your spray application

In addition to its spray pattern, each nozzle has specific properties, which in turn depend on various operating parameters that affect each other.

In order to achieve optimum spray nozzle performance for your application, various influencing factors need to be considered.

lechler planungshilfen

How to plan properly?

Considerable key influencing parameters that can effect your process:

  • Flow rate
  • Droplet size
  • Spray angle
  • Viscosity
  • Impact
  • Nozzle arrangement
  • Determination of the pipe diameter
  • Conversion tables
  • Lechler online services
  • Certificates and declarations

Whether flow rate calculation, impact effects or determination of the pipe diameter: With the detailed Lechler Technical Planning Guide, we make it easier for you to plan your spray application as our guide provides condensed information and assistance on the above-mentioned parameters.
For support you can count on, contact Lechler for help in selecting the ideal nozzle for your process needs.
Lechler Technical Planning Guide


Lechler Spray Technology Sdn. Bhd.Phone +603 6142 1288 (General Line)Fax +603 6156 1153info(at)lechler.com.my