Ground-breaking ceremony for the new Lechler building logistics center and production
Lechler will invest more than 19 million euros in this new building to cope with steadily growing freight volumes, increasingly complex material provisioning and a significantly higher storage volume. Supported by state-of-the-art intralogistics technology, the new building complex will optimize the internal flow of materials and meet the demand for further growth.
The new logistics centre and production building, which is strictly geared to material flow, is divided into three parts: A hall for production, assembly and quality assurance, a middle hall section for the automatic small parts warehouse with goods receipt and dispatch, and a hall for the pallet warehouse including multi-storey office space. The new building is directly connected to the existing buildings by means of a main access axis through all three parts. The building will be ready for occupancy in late summer 2021.
In order to take account of environmental considerations and the conservation of resources in the future, investments were made in extensive sustainability measures. In addition to a well-insulated outer shell of the building, a photovoltaic system with feed-in for own consumption and green roofs are planned. The latter contributes to delayed rainwater ingress into the receiving water and thus relieves the public sewerage system. In addition, green roofs have a positive effect on the microclimate and lead to positive cooling effects, especially in summer.
Lechler new building logistics center and production (south view), Architects: Hank + Hirth
Lechler new building logistics center and production (west view), Architects: Hank + Hirth