Laval Nozzle (for DeNOx applications)
Laval Nozzle, functional drawing
Spray pattern Laval Nozzle (for DeNOx applications)

Laval Nozzle Lances

Special twin-fluid nozzles for DeNOx applications.

In DeNOx applications with SNCR processes, small Laval nozzles are usually used. These nozzles are characterized by a high discharge velocity, enabling the optimum droplet spectrum to be introduced into the reactor with a great penetration depth. Our research has shown that the discharge velocity has a greater effect on the denitrification process. Moreover, these nozzles without internals are extremely insensitive to clogging and can be precisely controlled.

Technical data (pdf, 1 MB)
Lechler Process Technology
Fon +49 7123 962-0
Fax +49 7123 962-301


Small spray angle
Small spray angle15°, suitable for small cross-sections and horizontal ducts
Turn-down ratio
Turn-down ratioof 20:1 (in some cases up to 40:1)
Typical pressure range
Typical pressure rangeLiquid 1-6 bar, g; Atomizing air 1-6 bar, g
Adjustment of the droplet spectrum
Adjustment of the droplet spectrumby changing the air/fluid ratio
Very fine droplet spectrum
Very fine droplet spectrum

In addition to the optimum temperature, parameters such as droplet size and droplet velocity are also of crucial importance for the denitrification reaction. Only with the appropriate nozzle and the right control concept, droplets can penetrate deep enough into the flue gas flow to ensure optimum distribution of the reducing agent.


  • „„Gas cooling in gasbearing pipes (ducts) and medium-sized and small gas cooling towers
  • Injection of solids-laden water
  • Introduction of lime water in the desulfurisation process
  • Injection of aqueous ammonia or urea solution for the DeNOx process (SNCR/SCR)
  • Chemical process engineering (spray dryers etc.)
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Functionality of Laval Nozzle Lances

With the nozzle lance design, all options such as protection tube, shifting device and expansion compensator are possible. The nozzle lances are designed and manufactured according to the process requirements and comply with the regulations for DeNOx applications.

Assembly Laval nozzle

Disassembly Laval nozzle