Are we suitable for you?

Network. Understand. Trust.

Whether Lechler is suitable to you as an employer, that is something you have to answer. To be able to do that, we would like to explain what it is like to work here. Altogether, this is what we are as an employer:

Passen wir zu Ihnen?

Full support. For the team and the company. Lechler: that is true loyalty, building bridges of trust – and making efficiency easy.

For example, that means we share knowledge as opposed to hoarding it. Being good at communicating with each other. Being asked, and asking embarrassing questions. We know precisely what we can do when it comes to nozzles. And we also know that to be successful today is to effectively network with each other. That means taking on new employees, integrating them and showing them: there are bridges and connections between everyone who works here. We build them and use them – because it is fun and because it is our recipe for success.

At the same time, Lechler offers every employee what he needs. And that may be very different. But what is the same with each of us: that Lechler stands behind its employees, just like our employees behind Lechler – we call this "true loyalty", a mutual vote of confidence. Often this lasts for many years and sometimes even a lifetime. To make that clear, the person who is suitable for us is that they

... understand stability not as stagnation
... like to show that they belong
... start up a conversation quickly
... do not hesitate, to ask again
... are interested in knowing what the next person has to say
... once they have left are not negative

What do we do?

Together, our employees face daily challenges and develop solutions that have made us a leading international nozzle technology company over the years. We distinguished ourselves with our focus on future-oriented strategies. Through decades of development and manufacturing expertise. And due to our financial independence. As a globally operating family business with subsidiaries and representations in more than 60 countries, we are also closely intertwined with foreign partners and people from other cultures. Shaped by intercultural competence, being open-minded and having the ability to communicate, we can also conduct a respectful professional dialogue, which is of great importance for solving complex tasks and global customer proximity.

Another important component of our corporate culture is our family-friendly human resources management, for which Lechler has been awarded the familyNET rating "Family-conscious company". An example: The toddler care group "TigeRTal". Here our little ones, the under 3-year-old, are optimally cared for. Timely flexible and according to individual needs. The health of our employees is also very important to us: as part of our corporate health management system, we therefore offer a variety of opportunities throughout the year to do more for health and fitness. Our social commitment is reflected in the LECHLER FOUNDATION, which supports benevolent purposes in the Baden-Württemberg region.

Your path to the Lechler Team

[Translate to Finnish:] Arbeiten bei Lechler

Working at Lechler


Human ResourcesLechler GmbHPuhelin +49 7123 962-209personal(at)