Realizing energy-saving potential with efficient nozzle technology

In times of high energy prices, there is increasing pressure on companies to counteract the drastic rise in energy costs. Energy-saving measures that can be implemented quickly are in demand. In companies, plants and processes offer different energy efficiency potentials. This is exactly where Lechler nozzles can help.

Realizing energy-saving potential with efficient nozzle technology

Whether in industry, metallurgy, air pollution control, or agricultural technology - Lechler offers nozzle technologies for numerous industries, processes, and applications that are designed for more economical, efficient energy use while protecting the environment and climate.

With more than 45,000 nozzle types in its product portfolio, Lechler has comprehensive options for optimizing its customers' processes and applications and thus realizing energy efficiency potential. To do this, it is essential to know how much energy is used for which purposes. The Lechler team analyzes your processes and applications and advises you, considering your specific plant and environmental conditions, in order to jointly develop a demand-oriented, energy-efficient solution for your application.

Energy-saving potential in metallurgy

In the steel industry, where energy has always been a hot topic due to energy-intensive production, Lechler nozzles and systems can help to reduce energy costs for example in secondary cooling during continuous casting or in descaling.


Energy cost reductions in the descaling process

Lechler SCALEMASTER descaling nozzles in hot rolling mills not only ensure the best surface qualities, but also low energy consumption. Above all, the new SCALEMASTER ECO+, with its innovative application concept, opens up additional options for energy efficiency as well as cost optimization and contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. With the configuration and analysis program MillConfig.Descale, Lechler supports you in the individual analysis and optimization to detect and exploit huge savings potentials of all descaling stations operating in your rolling mill. In our descaling analyses, we systematically investigate how nozzle and spray header configurations affect energy efficiency and surface quality. The report produced provides you with a clear basis for making decisions on how to reduce water and energy consumption and cut CO2 emissions.

Slabcooler ECO

Energy cost reductions in secondary cooling in continuous casting

Lechler meets the increasing demand for energy-efficient secondary cooling in continuous slab casting with its Slabcooler ECO. This twin-fluid nozzle is an energy-saving nozzle that not only impresses with its significantly lower compressed air consumption, but also saves considerable CO2 emissions and operating costs for the provision of compressed air. Less compressed air consumption means less energy consumption and thus lower operating costs.

In metallurgy, the energy-saving potential basically depends on the benchmark or the actual situation as well as the boundary conditions and can therefore not be quantified across the board. However, experience shows that savings of up to 20% are possible with Lechler nozzles and systems for metallurgy.

Energy-saving potential in general industry

In almost all industrial plants, atomization technology is used in manufacturing processes. Lechler is already ensuring that production sectors become more efficient with customized nozzle solutions and its in-depth understanding of the industry and processes. Nevertheless, additional energy and thus general cost savings can be realized through optimized nozzle selection.

Lechler nozzle portfolio tank and equipment cleaning

Tank and equipment cleaning

In the food and beverage industry, the chemical industry, the pharmaceutical/cosmetics industry and biotechnology, there is potential for savings, for example, in container and tank cleaning, which is a production-related must here in order to ensure process reliability. Efficient cleaning processes help to reduce costs and cut the enormous water consumption required for such cleaning applications. Lechler nozzles and rotating cleaning machines have been specially developed to provide a high mechanical cleaning effect, whose higher efficiency at the same time sustainably reduces the running costs for energy, cleaning agents and cleaning time. An investment in better nozzle technology thus pays for itself after only a short time. The Lechler cleaning nozzle program offers innovative operating principles, state-of-the-art nozzle design, and a wide selection of sizes and materials.

More information about tank and eqipment cleaning nozzles

Lechler portfolio air nozzles

Compressed air applications

Significant energy savings potential can also be realized in production sectors where compressed air is used. The high energy costs for generating compressed air make it expensive. With Lechler air nozzles, up to 45% of compressed air can be saved compared to open pipe. That's because Lechler air nozzles are designed to use less compressed air than conventional nozzles - without cutting back on performance. In view of steadily rising energy costs and the increasingly wide range of applications for compressed air, the savings potential quickly becomes obvious.

More information about air nozzles

Lechler VarioSpray

Nozzle valve systems for variable atomization of smallest liquid volumes

In production processes in which the smallest volumes of liquid have to be atomized without aerosol, further energy-saving potential can be achieved by dispensing with compressed air. Whether oil application, belt lubrication or moistening dough, anti-scuffing, coating or release agent application - with flexible, pulse-width modulated nozzle valve systems such as Lechler VarioSpray, the finest atomization with variable timing of the liquid volume to be applied is possible without the supply of compressed air. At the same time, the costs of cleaning the system and the operating costs for extraction systems are reduced.

More information about VarioSpray

Energy-saving potential for air quality control systems

With its efficient gas treatment systems, Lechler offers the perfect solution for a wide variety of applications in the cement, steel, and power plant industries, as well as for waste incineration plants.

Saving compressed air

Energy-efficient solutions in the field of gas cooling are primarily associated with the saving of compressed air or its cost-intensive generation. Lechler VarioJet nozzles, for example, were developed specifically for the economical operation of evaporative coolers. Compared to conventional twin-fluid nozzles, these nozzles can save an average of approx. 20% compressed air.

Optionally, twin-fluid systems can also be replaced by spillback systems to completely eliminate the need for cost-intensive compressed air (or a compressor). The new RS II series spillback nozzles are predestined for this purpose. Spillback nozzles operate on the principle of pressure atomization. Compared to conventional single-fluid nozzles, the water is delivered to the nozzle at a constant supply pressure, regardless of the atomized flow rate. A valve in the spillback line continuously regulates the injection quantity. A uniform, fine liquid atomization is achieved over the entire control range.

Saving compressed air with VarioJet nozzles and RS II nozzlesSaving compressed air with VarioJet nozzles and RS II nozzles

Higher efficiency injection systems

In addition, optimum and economical operation of the gas cooling system can be ensured by controlling twin-fluid and spillback systems with Lechler SmartControl. With the SmartControl concept, the injection system is adapted to the function and operation of the nozzle and dynamic process conditions are controlled in the best possible way.

In gas cooling, there is further potential for savings with regard to the energy consumption of the pump. Conventional injection systems use control by means of a pump and a downstream control valve. Lechler also offers gas cooling systems with speed control at the pump to efficiently approach the exact operating point required without dissipating excess energy through a control valve.

Minimum reagent consumption

Efficient denitrification by means of SNCR requires the injection of the process-optimized droplet spectrum precisely into the optimum temperature range for the reaction. Injection above or below the temperature window leads to additional NOx formation or an increase in NH3 slip and thus to a reduction in efficiency. Parameters such as droplet size and droplet velocity are also of crucial importance. Only with the appropriate nozzle and control concept the droplets can penetrate deep enough into the flue gas stream to ensure an optimum distribution of the reducing agent in the flue gas stream.

The Lechler VarioClean – heSNCR system adapts the injection full automatically to the current operating conditions, so that the specified limit values can be safely complied with and the reducing agent consumption can be reduced by 30% and more.

Injection system VarioClean – heSNCRInjection system VarioClean – heSNCR

Energy-saving potential in agriculture

In agricultural production, saving energy and using energy more efficiently is important in order to generally reduce costs, avoid climate pollution and position oneself for the future.

A possible approach is the electricity consumption for cooling greenhouses in summer. Since they heat up strongly due to solar radiation, the heat must be extracted from the greenhouse air. This is often accomplished with power-consuming fans for negative pressure ventilation. An alternative is evaporative cooling using fine water atomization, which consumes less electricity. Extremely fine water droplets, generated by high-pressure fog nozzles, form a mist in the greenhouse that cools the air accordingly. With the Lechler 2MN high-pressure fog nozzles, adiabatic cooling in greenhouses - as well as stables - is possible, which, in addition to electricity costs, also reduces the noise level caused by the fans.

Fans in greenhouses as a possible approach to energy savingsFans in greenhouses as a possible approach to energy savings
Lechler Spray Technology Sdn. Bhd.Phone +603 6142 1288 (General Line)Fax +603 6156 1153info(at)