Droplet separators in wet scrubbers

Since the introduction of new limit values for the sulphur content of fuels in the Emission Control Area (ECA) on most ships, it has become necessary to retrofit an exhaust gas purification system. The protected areas will be extended to the whole world from 2020. For wet scrubbers, vertical separators are used.

Tropfenabscheidersysteme in der Nasswäsche


  • „„Baltic Sea
  • „„North Sea/Canal
  • „„North America
  • „„US Caribbean
Vertikal angeströmter Tropfenabscheider

Droplet separators for vertical gas flow

In vane-type separators with vertical gas flow, the baffle vanes are arranged horizontally or at a slight horizontal angle. The liquid that is separated at the profile forms a film which drains downwards in the opposite direction to the gas flow. This liquid film interacts with the opposing gas flow. At the bottom end, larger droplets are formed from the liquid film which then fall down.

Pisaranerottimet – Toimintaperiaate

Reliable operation – even under tough conditions

Lechler droplet separators are characterized by the optimized-flow design. However, if the gas flows are heavily loaded with dust, deposits can occur under unfavorable conditions which impair the efficiency of the droplet separators. In this case, an additional cleaning system helps to guarantee availability during continuous operation. An arrangement that performs cyclical washing of the droplet separators with full-cone nozzles has proven particularly suitable for this. This allows you to increase functional reliability, avoid encrustations and also ensure that your plant operates with optimum efficiency over long periods.

Profilgeometrie vertikal angeströmte TropfenabscheiderProfilgeometrie von vertikal angeströmten Tropfenabscheidern (v.l.n.r.): LTV 271, LTV 300, LTV 400.

Other system-specific droplet separators on ships

Tropfenabscheider für Lufteinlässe

Droplet separator for air inlets

Droplet separators for air inlets
Tropfenabscheider für Ladeluftkühler

Droplet separator for charge air cooler

Droplet separators for charge air cooler
Übersicht Tropfenabscheidersysteme auf Schiffen

Overview droplet separators on ships

Droplet separators on ships


Lechler GmbHEnvironmental Technologies – Droplet SeparatorsPuhelin +49 (0)241 463751-40dropletseparator(at)lechler.de