Lechler honoured as a family-friendly company

Family-conscious, phase-oriented companies are more attractive than ever in the competition for skilled workers and employees. The reconciliation of work and family is an important topic for the future, which Lechler GmbH has also taken care of. On November 22, 2016, Lechler was awarded the familyNET predicate "Family-conscious company" for family-friendly personnel management.

[Translate to English:] Lechler ausgezeichnet als Familienbewusstes Unternehmen

As part of the familyNET project, the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Baden-Württemberg, the employers of Baden-Württemberg and the Landesfamilienrat Baden-Württemberg award dedicated companies with the distinction "family-conscious company" and thus set a sign for more family friendliness. Numerous companies from industry, services and the social economy have responded to the rating process, which assesses corporate activities in the areas of leadership competence and personnel development, place, time and organization, communication, monetary benefits, family services, health care and civic engagement.

Christian values and social commitment were of great importance to the company founder Paul Lechler. "We are a company with tradition and a modern as well as a social orientation", says CEO Guido Kunzmann. "We continue to place great importance on human interest in our employees and the associated family-conscious commitment." A wide range of measures are implemented in the company to ensure a good work-life balance that is both unpretentious and convincing.
