Our series program: Well-priced, precise, reliable and available at short notice.

Lechler has been researching new solutions for more than 140 years. We develop and manufacture nozzles that are trend-setting in many areas of application. Our modern design and simulation techniques developed by our engineers and technicians open up new perspectives for our customers in planning with Lechler nozzles.

Lechler series program

Lechler products

Lechler showrooms

Lechler showrooms

Experience nozzles virtually

In the Lechler showrooms, nozzle technology becomes an interactive experience: Navigate through our portfolio on a virtual tour in application-specific showrooms or product showrooms.

No matter where you are in the world – you have 24/7 access to our showrooms.


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Lechler GmbHPhone +49 7123 962-0Fax +49 7123 962-444info(at)lechler.de