Asymmetrische Air-Injektor Doppelflachstrahldüsen IDTA
Asymmetrische Air-Injektor Doppelflachstrahldüsen IDTA, technische Zeichnung
Werkzeuglos herausnehmbarer Injektor der asymmetrischen Air-Injektor Doppelflachstrahldüse IDTA
Asymmetrische Air-Injektor Doppelflachstrahldüsen IDTA, Funktionszeichnung
Asymmetrische Air-Injektor Doppelflachstrahldüsen IDTA, Funktionszeichnung

Asymmetrical twin flat spray air-injector nozzles IDTA

Extremely low-drift, air-aspirating air injector twin flat spray nozzle for optimized deposition and reduced spray shadow at higher driving speeds.

Hitta en återförsäljare Teknisk data (pdf, 981 KB)



G 2015, G 2016, G 2017, G 2018, G 2019,
G 2020, G 2021, G 2022, G2043


Silver Medal Agritechnica 2015
Silver Medal Agritechnica 2015
Złoty Medal 2016
Złoty Medal 2016
Silver Medal Agrosalon Moskow 2016
Silver Medal Agrosalon Moskow 2016
EIMA Mention 2016
EIMA Mention 2016


Nozzle size
Nozzle size02 – 08
Spray angle
Spray anglefront 120° / back 90°
Pressure range
Pressure range1 – 4 – 8 bar
Recommended filters
Recommended filters80M 02, 60M 025 – 08
Droplet size
Droplet sizeUltra coarse – coarse

Application areas

Plant protection products and growth regulators
Border application can be combined with border nozzle IS 80
Golf course


  • „„„High drift reduction over entire pressure range
  • „„Nozzle in cap with MULTIJET bayonet system
  • „„Twin flat spray jet 30°/50° with asymmetrical spray angles and flow rates
    • 90°/120° gives on the target area the same spray width
    • Finer droplet spectrum to the front in driving direction for optimum wetting
    • Coarser, more drift-resistant droplet spectrum to the rear
    • Precise border application in combination with IS border nozzle
  • „Optimum user protection thanks to removal/installation of the injector with protective gloves without tools (Patent)
  • „JKI approval for mixed equipment with ID3 nozzles with the same nozzle size in the boom center section

Application example

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IDTA Versuchsergebnisse

Test results

IDTA is the result of intensive development and discussions with farmers in the field. See the test results, which show you how you can improve your spraying. » See the facts

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